Lighting Installation at Cedars-Sinai, 6500 Wilshire Boulevard, 20th Floor, FPDC Relocation Los Angeles, CA. Across from the reception wall is a 14-foot-wide by nine-foot-high art installation that consists of 2,500 medical-grade centrifuge tubes protruding from perforated wood panels and backlit by 3,500 color-changing LED lights that animate to represent the city lights. Programmed to an algorithm based on harmonic resonance, the ever-evolving artwork never displays the same color combination twice in 24 hours.
Type: Permanent Lighting Sculpture - Installation
Role: Technical Director - Lighting Design, System Design, Generative Content, Creative Coding, Installation, Integration, Maintenance.
Location: Cedars-Sinai, 6500 Wilshire Boulevard, 20th Floor, FPDC Relocation, Los Angeles, CA
Time Lapse Video of Installed Pixel Mapped Lighting Sculpture
Detail Video showing the Centrifuge tubes as a diffused pixel.